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Showing posts with the label couples

6 Signs of A Strong Relationship

1. Mutual Trust This one is huge. You both trust each other no matter what. Now this doesn't mean you go in blindly trusting their every word and believe they can do no wrong. It means you've earned each others trust and respect each other enough not to mess with that. 2. You communicate This one is also very important. Nowadays we talk a lot, but communicating is different. You don't need to be constantly talking 24/7. But when it comes to important things, it's discussed. When one of you is upset, unsure, anxious, worried, etc. about something, especially if its something about your relationship, you let them know. You discuss it with maturity. This is always something you can work on because a relationship with good communication is a happier relationship. No one is a mind reader. 3. You support each other You support each others dreams and hobbies. You help them out when you're needed and cheer from the sidelines when you're not. You listen to them...