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Showing posts with the label phone

Confessions of a Cell Phone Addict

I'll start this off by saying that I never considered myself to be addicted to my phone. Yeah, I use it to text and to keep up with my social media but I have a minimal amount of apps and I don't particularly feel like I need them. But then I lost my phone. For one whole day. And it was hard. The first reason that made it difficult was just the simple anxiety of trying to figure out what happened to my phone. Where did I lose it? Is it okay? Of course, this would happen on a day when I had an important test, which made reviewing for that next to impossible. Once I finally managed to track down my phone, my thoughts were pretty much preoccupied with getting it back. I found myself often forgetting I didn't have my phone and reaching into my empty pocket to get it. Which was kind of concerning. Do I really check my phone this often? Truly, the worst thing for me not having my phone is that I never had a clue what time it was. I'm not the kind of person who wears ...