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Showing posts with the label rainbow cake

A Month In Review: September Highlights

Happy October lovelies! My favourite month of the year has rolled in and I am in total autumnal bliss as the colder temperatures and coloured leaves are moving in. How September passed by so quickly, I truly have no idea. I usually whip together a monthly favourites post at the end of each month, but I honestly have not tried enough products to write a decently long blog post, so I figured I'd try something different. Just a quick look-back at the highlights of my month; I baked my first rainbow cake! I baked a rainbow cake for my sisters birthday this year and it was such a fun experience! The best part is the anticipation of seeing what it'll look like once its cut! I took the first step to getting help with my anxiety This month I finally spoke to my doctor about what I can do to get help for my anxiety and panic attacks. I've been considering talking to someone about it for so long now and it was honestly relieving to finally do it. I made an appointment to see