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Showing posts with the label camera help

Decorating My Christmas Tree! (Blogmas Day 4)

Hello everyone! Guess what I did today! I guess the title of this post was kind of a give-away, but yes, I finally decorated my Christmas tree! I decorate my Christmas tree as early in December as I can because it just gets me in the most festive mood and I want to keep it around as much as I can! I love seeing other people's Christmas trees so I encourage everyone to make a blog post showing off your tree and leave me the links in the comments below! I'll also be posting a collection of beautiful trees I find on Pinterest cause I'm a Christmas addict like that! Our Christmas tree is a mix of silver, gold and pearls. I love how it looks so classy but also really fun and sparkly! Let me know what you think and how you'd decorate your ideal Christmas tree! xo (Apologies for my sub-par photo quality! My good camera has broken so I'm stuck taking photos with my phone! Anyone have any recommendations for a good quality camera that won't break the bank?)