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Showing posts with the label relaxation

I'm Back! #Mexico2016

Hello there! Sorry for the lack of posts for the past while! I recently returned from my Spring Break in Mexico and I'm feeling a lot more rested and a lot less frazzled. I'm also slightly less blindingly pale, which is also cool. Coming from a long, cold winter in Canada, Mexico was absolutely amazing (and the unlimited free drinks weren't so bad either). Sadly, all good things must come to an end and I am back in the mild cold (spring is coming!!!) and back to balancing school, clinical and work. But my motivation is back, which is great, even if it'll likely only last about a week. I'm also looking forward to getting back into blogging. While I love writing about my current beauty favourites and lifestyle things like that, I think I'm going to start writing more about my thoughts, since I really enjoy writing more reflective posts. So, Here's to spring, productivity and saying whats on my mind. xo

Taking a Mental Health Day

We've come a long way in terms of decreasing the stigma that surrounds mental health and illness, but we're far from it being gone completely. Our society places such a high importance on the biomedical model of health that to many still, physical illness seems more legitimate than mental illness. And while both can be equally distressing, there tends to be more sympathy given to those with physical illnesses, while mental illness is seen as a sign of weakness, as though it is something we should be able to overcome easily. You may not agree with what I'm saying. You may think we've come a long way in empathizing with those with mental illness and we're much more understanding now. But ask yourself: would you ever call in to work and say that you won't be coming in because you're feeling very anxious? Because you're feeling so incredibly sad, you don't even want to get out of bed? Because something inside you feels incredibly wrong, even though ...

Dealing with Anxiety and Panic Attacks

If you've come here looking for some miracle cure to rid yourself of anxiety, then unfortunately you've come to the wrong place. However, if you are looking for some suggestions of some things that I have found helpful for me, then please, do read on. I've suffered with Anxiety and panic attacks for a while now. I've always been a shy and anxious person, from childhood, but as I got older, it seemed to get worse. Nowadays I can honestly say, as sad as it sounds, that it is a very real part of my every day life. It affects my relationships with other people, it affects how I feel about myself, it affects my every day functioning. And as my anxiety has become more prominent, I've begun to experience panic attacks more often as well. I'm not on any sort of medication to help with this but I have found a few things that help when I begin to feel overwhelmed. When I'm feeling anxious... Distraction:  when I start to feel anxious, I like to distrac...