Studying and working in the health care field, I have been exposed to death many times. It is upsetting, especially if it was a patient that you had cared for yourself, but at the end of the day, you return to your family, perhaps for a greater gratitude for their life and health. However being on the other side of this, being a part of the family grieving the loss of one of their own, is a whole other story. One that I had not been exposed to before, in my 20 years of life. And there are not many words I can find to describe the overwhelming and confusing mix of emotions flowing through me right now. I find solace in knowing that I am not alone in this. That grief is a part of the human experience, and at some point in our lives, each and every living being will experience this. And that I have a family, going through the very same emotions, some even more than myself, with whom I can grieve and heal. No matter how much we may be exposed to death, I don't think it is possi...