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Showing posts with the label monday motivation

Monday Motivation

Happy Monday everyone! Here's your motivation for this week. So many times I've put myself down and held myself back because of past failures. Don't ever let that stop you. The past is the past, look forward and keep trying to reach your goals. I had a rough past couple weeks, mostly because I was dwelling on one particularly bad day. Yeah, it happened and it sucked. But there's no reason to keep bringing down my good present thinking about the bad past. Have a great week everyone! xo

Monday Motivation

Happy Monday everyone! I haven't done a Motivation Monday in a little while, but I came across this quote yesterday and it really stuck with me so I thought I would share it today. For a long time, my self confidence and belief in my abilities relied heavily upon validation from others. This is something that has taken me so long to break and I continue to work on it daily. You don't need anyone to tell you that you are smart, pretty or worthy. The things others say about you do not define you. No one has the power to define what you are but you. You need to validate yourself and believe it. I hope you're all having an amazing Monday and have a great upcoming week! xo

Motivation Monday

Happy Monday everyone! And Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian readers! I wanted to share this quote with you all today because it really made me think. How many times have you dropped a project or big dream because you just didn't think you could do it? My biggest problem has always been that I second guess and doubt myself when in reality, I could most probably do it. Anything worth having wont come easy, and maybe you'll stumble and fail a few times along the way, but don't lose that determination and confidence that you can achieve it. The only thing that can hold you back is yourself. Not failure, not bad luck, but you. Believe in yourselves today, and keep working towards those dreams, no matter how big. xo

Monday Motivation

Happy Monday lovelies! I hope you're all doing well, and if you're not, I hope you know that everything will get better with time. Even when you feel like you've hit rock bottom, know that you can only go up from there!  I have a really big, important test today, and I'm feeling really nervous, but also motivated to do my best. I wish you all luck on any of the big endeavors you're taking on this week. You got this!  Have a lovely week everyone!  xo

Monday Motivation: Being a Happier You

Hard to believe in just a few months it'll be 2016. I still remember coming up with my New Year's resolutions for 2015 and wondering if I actually came close to actually reaching any of them. Does anyone ever stick to their New Year's resolutions all year long? Basically, my main New Year's resolution for 2015 was to be happier. And as far as resolutions and goals go, I think this is one that everyone should have for themselves. It's so easy these days to get caught up in constantly working hard, be it at school or at work, and not taking the time to check in with yourself and see how you're really doing. Are you really happy? Are you where you want to be? Do you enjoy your life as it is right now? Is there something you should be changing? And if it's something you can't change, maybe it's something you can learn to accept and maybe even love. It's something I've been thinking about a lot more often lately. Without trying to sound too...