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Showing posts with the label david's tea

Holiday Gift Guide for Nurses - 2020

  2020... the year of the nurse... and the year all hell broke loose. If you are a nurse, or have a nurse in your life that you love, 2020 would be the year to be spoiled. I compiled this list of fantastic gifts you can gift the nurse or nursing student in your life (or yourself, if you're a nurse!) for the holidays this year. A lot of these options can be bought from small shops local to you (check Etsy!) which is a huge bonus!  Watch  A must have for all nurses! I have had a FitBit in the past and now have an Apple Watch. I loved both because they're extremely easy to clean after every shift. However there are also great nurse watches you can pin to your scrubs!  Here are my recommendations: 1   2   3   ID badge clip Etsy shop: PaperCharmsStudio I personally love changing up my badge clip every few months, and there are so many options online for cute, handmade ones or personalized ones!  I buy mine here and you can find more (personalized, uni...

Christmas Gift Suggestions For Your Girlfriend (Blogmas Day 5)

Before I begin with my suggestions, I think it's important to mention that no matter how difficult you think it may be to shop for a girl, it's actually pretty simple. And here's the best thing you can do: go on a shopping trip with them. Girls are pretty vocal about things they like and dislike, so you will definitely hear a few of the "Oh my god, I love this" and "I want this soooo much!" and even "How cute is this???". Take these as your hints. Not only will you be getting her something you know for sure that she will like, but you will get bonus points for being attentive, listening and remembering the things she liked. If this fails, here are a few of my suggestions that I personally think would make great gifts. Of course, not all these apply to every girl, and maybe none of these will apply for your girlfriend. But what I personally believe is that if it shows that you put some thought into it and tried to buy her something she would l...