Hello there!
Sorry for the lack of posts for the past while! I recently returned from my Spring Break in Mexico and I'm feeling a lot more rested and a lot less frazzled. I'm also slightly less blindingly pale, which is also cool. Coming from a long, cold winter in Canada, Mexico was absolutely amazing (and the unlimited free drinks weren't so bad either).
Sadly, all good things must come to an end and I am back in the mild cold (spring is coming!!!) and back to balancing school, clinical and work. But my motivation is back, which is great, even if it'll likely only last about a week. I'm also looking forward to getting back into blogging. While I love writing about my current beauty favourites and lifestyle things like that, I think I'm going to start writing more about my thoughts, since I really enjoy writing more reflective posts.
Here's to spring, productivity and saying whats on my mind.
Sadly, all good things must come to an end and I am back in the mild cold (spring is coming!!!) and back to balancing school, clinical and work. But my motivation is back, which is great, even if it'll likely only last about a week. I'm also looking forward to getting back into blogging. While I love writing about my current beauty favourites and lifestyle things like that, I think I'm going to start writing more about my thoughts, since I really enjoy writing more reflective posts.
Here's to spring, productivity and saying whats on my mind.
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