If you've come here looking for some miracle cure to rid yourself of anxiety, then unfortunately you've come to the wrong place. However, if you are looking for some suggestions of some things that I have found helpful for me, then please, do read on.
I've suffered with Anxiety and panic attacks for a while now. I've always been a shy and anxious person, from childhood, but as I got older, it seemed to get worse. Nowadays I can honestly say, as sad as it sounds, that it is a very real part of my every day life. It affects my relationships with other people, it affects how I feel about myself, it affects my every day functioning. And as my anxiety has become more prominent, I've begun to experience panic attacks more often as well.
I'm not on any sort of medication to help with this but I have found a few things that help when I begin to feel overwhelmed.
When I'm feeling anxious...
- Distraction: when I start to feel anxious, I like to distract myself from the unpleasant feelings by doing something that I enjoy. Usually I'll watch a couple episodes of Friends on Netflix to make me laugh, or I'll preoccupy myself with chores while listening to upbeat music I can dance around to. I also find baking and reading to be therapeutic for me to. Obviously not all these things will be things you enjoy; I would recommend finding something you enjoy doing and that make you feel happy or relaxed while doing them.
- Physical activity: it's no secret that physical activity makes you feel good. When I'm starting to feel anxious, I like to go out for a run. It clears my mind of negative thoughts, gets my heart racing in a good way and just makes me feel strong. It doesn't have to be running of course, just get your body moving. Yoga is another thing that is very relaxing when you're feeling tense.
- Talking to someone: I really feel like having someone to talk to when you feel really anxious and unwell is really important. When I feel anxious and close to having a panic attack, I feel very scared and alone. I like having at least one person I can call or text who understands what I'm going through. Thought they might not be able to completely comfort me and make the anxiety go away, I personally find knowing someone is there for me and that I'm not alone to be comforting and makes me a bit less scared.
When I'm Having a Panic Attack...
- Breathe: Most people experience difficulty breathing or hyperventilation during a panic attack. That's a big cause of many of the other symptoms associated with panic attacks. Thats why a really important thing to do during a panic attack is to pay attention to your breathing and try to control it. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold it for 7 seconds and then exhale for 5 seconds. Repeat this until you're feeling better.
- Comfort yourself: this is something I did wrong for a long time when I was having panic attacks. I would tear myself apart, asking myself things like "whats wrong with you? why are you so crazy? This is stupid, there's nothing to be afraid of, why are you acting like this?". I'd be lying if I said I don't still have this train of thought today. But this is one of the worst things you can do to yourself in the situation of a panic attack. I noticed that every time I thought like this, my panic attacks got worse. The best thing you can do to yourself is to tell yourself that everything's going to be ok, that you'll get through this and that there is no danger. Remind yourself that you've felt like this before and you're not dying. Eventually it will end and you will be ok.
- Remove yourself from the situation: If you're in a public place, go find a quiet spot where you can sit down or get through the panic attack comfortably. Personally when I'm experiencing a panic attack, I like to leave the room I was in when it happened and I like to sit on the floor against a wall until I can compose myself and feel safe again. The important thing is that you are somewhere you feel safe or at least not too overwhelmed where you can get through it.
- Other methods: There are tons of things you can do to help you feel better in these situations, it's all up to you to try things out and see what works for you. There are apps available that can guide you through relaxation techniques. Full body relaxation exercises are helpful. The best thing you can do is try things out and see what makes you personally feel better.
After a panic attack...
Be nice to yourself. You just went through a very physically and emotionally difficult experience. Take a warm bath or shower. Listen to some music. Get some fresh air. Have a snack. Stretch. I like to spend a few minutes in Child's Pose while breathing in the way I described earlier. Do what makes you feel safe and relaxed.
I hope this helps some people. Let me know what you do to help with anxiety and panic attacks as I'm always interested in hearing new things that could help.
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