I've been spending a lot of time on Pinterest lately pinning tons of amazing summer fashion (and trying to resist heading straight to the mall to buy it all!). I thought I would share some of the stuff I've been loving lately and hopefully give some of you some ideas if you're looking for some inspiration to update your summer wardrobe. (You can follow me here on Pinterest to stay updated with the stuff I'm loving!)

Stripes, bold colours and aztec pattens have been so huge for me this summer. I'm also loving anything flowy; be it skirts, dresses or loose shorts. Feel free to look at My Dream Closet Pinterest board for more inspiration! Besides, though it might seems a bit late in the game for Summer fashion, right now is probably the best time to shop for summer clothes (hello, summer clearance sales, anyone??)

What have you been loving in fashion this summer? Let me know!
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