Anxiety has affected my life in so many ways. I'm still learning to live with it, but it's not always easy. Especially when you're in a relationship. As much as I wish it didn't, and it could always be sunshine and happiness all day long, my anxiety has definitely affected my relationship with my boyfriend. I'm incredibly lucky that he is so patient and supportive, but I also worry that one day he'll get tired of putting up with me; is it possible to have anxiety about your anxiety? I guess it is.
I think that's the thing a lot of people don't realize about anxiety disorders. It's not cute; it's not feeling shy and nervous once in a while, its not blushing and giggling and looking at your feet when someone talks to you. Its crippling fear, or just a constant nag in your head just constantly putting you on edge, upsetting you, scaring you. And it affects every aspect of your life, even those that make you happy.
As horrible as I probably just made it all sound, and yeah, it's not great, I think I've been very fortunate. As anxious as I can be, I feel so fortunate for the relationship I'm in, and I know its mutually supportive and healthy. Having someone who loves you on your good days, but also on the days when you're absolutely panicked and unreasonable is something incredibly important to me. And I know its not at all easy to be patient with that but it truly does make me appreciate it all the more.
It all comes down to having that support system to get you through the tough situations. It doesn't have to be from a significant other, as it is for me. It can be your best friend, or a parent, or anyone close to you who can make you feel loved when you feel your most unlovable. That person who will be there for you when you feel completely alone. So yeah, my anxiety sucks, but in a way, I think it's made my relationship a lot more supportive and close. It's a good feeling to know that despite the chaos, you have a safe place to land.
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