Hey everyone,
So for a while I've wanted to make a post about my top tips for preparing for nursing exams that I would have loved to have known before I started nursing school because once I got a good study technique down, I finally got a good handle on being prepared for my exams. I know exams can be a super stressful time, so I really hope these tips can help you at least feel a little more prepared and in control of your preparation for finals!
1. Create a study schedule
I cannot stress this enough! The best way I found to stay on track and make sure I allocated enough time to study for all of my classes was to create a study schedule. Print out a pretty calendar off Google and use that to plan out your studying. Break it down into manageable chunks (don't write in that you'll review 10 chapters in one day!). This way you'll be able to visualize everything in a clear cut format and make sure that you'll be able to go over everything in time for your exams.
Let me know if you'd like to see examples of my past study schedules!
2. Know how you study best
This tip goes beyond just the basic learning styles (visual, auditory, tactile, verbal), but also just what methods work best for you. Do you study better individually or in a group? Does it help you to re-listen to lectures or recopy your notes? As much as I loved group study sessions, they were super distracting for me if I was still learning the material! Do you study best at home or elsewhere? I found I was less distracted if I studied at the library or at Starbucks than I did if I was at home. Make sure to work with your strengths! Don't feel bad to say no to a group session with friends if you know individual studying works better for you!
3. Don't neglect self care
I know, I know this has been said over and over again but TRUST me, forcing yourself to stay up till 4 am studying and running off of stress and espresso is not a healthy lifestyle. Take it from me, I ended up in the emergency room with a pretty bad stress induced stomach ulcer after one exam period. Include self care in your study plan, even if it's as basic as eating 3 healthy meals a day, taking a relaxing shower and getting enough sleep. Yes, your grades are important, but your mental and physical health will ALWAYS be more important.
4. Use your resources
Don't limit yourself just to your class slides and textbooks! Attend tutorial sessions offered by your professors (even if you think you have an ok understanding of the material. Watch YouTube videos. Use flashcards or Quizlet to memorize definitions. Email your professors or TA's if you're not entirely sure about something. Do those practice questions at the back of your textbooks! Having a well rounded study style will make sure you're prepared for anything they could throw at you in the exam. Click here if you want to check out which apps I used on my iPad all throughout Nursing school.
5. Know where to focus your attention
Look back at your old quizzes and tests - is there a particular topic you struggled more on? Make sure to study that a little more, and focus a bit less on the stuff you've mastered. Will your exam be focused more on the post midterm material or evenly split? Is there one chapter/topic you spent more time on in class versus another that was just brushed over? Make sure to put more effort studying what your professors may have emphasized more importance on in class.
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