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Review: Psychobabble with Tyler Oakley and Korey Kuhl

Long time no post! How've you all been this week? Here's hoping your week was a bit calmer than mine was... I finally found a quiet moment in my day where I could post something, and I couldn't think of anything better than to write a little review of something I've been soooo into lately. So a little backstory for you all. My phone recently died (RIP) and until I can save up enough to get myself a nice new phone, I'm using a family members old iPhone. Now since it was all very last minute, I still haven't gotten around to putting any music on it, and I NEED something to get me through long bus rides. So I decided to take up listening to podcasts, in particular, Psychobabble with Tyler Oakley and Korey Kuhl and ohhh man, am I ever glad I started listening to it. This podcast is honestly hilarious. If you're a fan of Tyler's at all, I highly highly recommend it. Just a heads up though, because I have learned this the hard way, you will very likely

Weekly Pinterest Picks: Oversized Sweaters

The chilly weather is starting to show itself (finally!) and it'll soon be full blown weather for my personal favourite fall (and winter) fashion item - oversized sweaters. Anyone who knows me knows I have something of an addiction. I have so many oversized knit sweaters. I honestly cannot get enough and understandably so; they're comfy, they're warm, they look great with leggings or jeans; they work with flats, ankle boots or knee high boots; they look cute and fashionable all while feeling like you're wearing a blanket. So whats not to love? I gathered a few of my favourite oversized sweater looks I came across on Pinterest this week to share with you all. What do you think? Whats your favourite thing to wear during the fall season? Let me know! xo

6 Signs of A Strong Relationship

1. Mutual Trust This one is huge. You both trust each other no matter what. Now this doesn't mean you go in blindly trusting their every word and believe they can do no wrong. It means you've earned each others trust and respect each other enough not to mess with that. 2. You communicate This one is also very important. Nowadays we talk a lot, but communicating is different. You don't need to be constantly talking 24/7. But when it comes to important things, it's discussed. When one of you is upset, unsure, anxious, worried, etc. about something, especially if its something about your relationship, you let them know. You discuss it with maturity. This is always something you can work on because a relationship with good communication is a happier relationship. No one is a mind reader. 3. You support each other You support each others dreams and hobbies. You help them out when you're needed and cheer from the sidelines when you're not. You listen to them

6 Things to Know When Dating Someone Who Suffers From Anxiety

As someone who suffers from anxiety and is currently in a long term relationship, I can tell you that it can be difficult at times. We have good days and bad days, our bad days just tend to be a bit worse than others'. I'm incredibly fortunate to have someone who is so supportive and makes me feel safe and loved in times when I feel anything but that. I also know what it's like to be on the other end of this dynamic; how to be there and support someone who is feeling anxious and vulnerable. So if you're dating someone who is dealing with anxiety, here are a few tips that I've found really important to remember and will ultimately bring your relationship closer. 1) Reassurance I often worry that my anxiety will become a hindrance to my relationship, and may become a source of resentment. But a little reassurance can go a long way. "I'm here for you", "I love you no matter what", "I care about you and want to help you feel better.

Monday Motivation: Being a Happier You

Hard to believe in just a few months it'll be 2016. I still remember coming up with my New Year's resolutions for 2015 and wondering if I actually came close to actually reaching any of them. Does anyone ever stick to their New Year's resolutions all year long? Basically, my main New Year's resolution for 2015 was to be happier. And as far as resolutions and goals go, I think this is one that everyone should have for themselves. It's so easy these days to get caught up in constantly working hard, be it at school or at work, and not taking the time to check in with yourself and see how you're really doing. Are you really happy? Are you where you want to be? Do you enjoy your life as it is right now? Is there something you should be changing? And if it's something you can't change, maybe it's something you can learn to accept and maybe even love. It's something I've been thinking about a lot more often lately. Without trying to sound too

The Liebster Award

I've been tagged in the Liebster Award by the lovely Evija  (go check out her blog! She hasn't been blogging for long but I can tell she's someone to keep your eye on!) Thank you so much for the tag <3  For those of you who might not know, The Liebster Award is basically a Q&A tag with the purpose of getting deserving blogs a bit more publicity! After you've answered the questions, you can tag up to 11 more bloggers.  1. What made you want to start blogging? Good question! For quite a few years now I've been obsessed with reading blogs and watching YouTube videos all falling in that beauty-fashion-lifestyle kind of category and I think I was just really intrigued with the idea of having a little corner of the internet all to myself to share things I loved.  2. What's your favourite high street retailer?   Oooh that's a tough question! I think I would have to go with Forever 21 though, because I feel like it's a place you can go to one day

Weekly Pinterest Picks: Wanderlust

One of the things I love looking at on Pinterest is the beautiful places on this earth that I would love to travel to some day. I think travelling and experiencing things in different countries makes up about 80% of my bucket list and I can't wait to get started. It's a pretty gloomy day here where I am, so I figured I would share some of the awe inspiring photographs I've come across on Pinterest to inspire some wanderlust in you all as well. Where do you want to travel to? Let me know in the comments! xx Have a lovely weekend You can follow me on Pinterest here